Sub Committees

Biathlon Australia operational sub committees which make recommendations to the Board include those listed below.

In addition to Sub Committees the Board appoints from time-to-time groups that are put together for a specific purpose like Selection. These are specific working groups appointed by the Board for a specific purpose and timeline and then disbanded. 

  Name of Committee Members

        Unification and Governance Sub Committee:

This Committee will focus on the unification of Biathlon in Australia and the delivery of governance activities such as determining the most appropriate legal structure and constitution to achieve Sport Australia recognition and support a unified biathlon in the future. 

Click here to read their terms of reference. Click here to read the final version of the new biathlon constitution. Clieck here to read read the Biathlon Unification stage 2 Heads of Agreement.



Mark Bradford, Brad Greentree, Toni Hulme, Brett Jones, Murray Johnson and Robyn McEvoy 




        Nominations Committee:

This Committee is stood up ahead of an AGM and then stood down post-AGM.



       Finance Risk and Audit Committee:

This Committee is stood up as required by the Constitution (19.4). 


Bronwyn Castle, Tristan Creed and Mark Bradford 

       Para Biathlon Working Group

      This Working Group will be stood up for developing para-biathlon pathways to the Paralympic Games.

Paul Garai, Melinda Middleton and Kaspar Wirz


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