Purchase a Range Pass

Using the Biathlon Australia Shooting Range 

The Hotham Biathlon Arena is a 15-Lane purpose built Biathlon facility. It is run and maintained by Biathlon Australia. 

To use the Range, members must:

  • hold a Firearms Licence from their State or Territory 
  • hold a Minors Permit ( if under 18yrs) from their State or Territory 
  • have purchased a Range Pass for a day, week or the season 

Purchasing a Range Pass 

   Type   Cost (inc. GST)   Purposes 
 1   Day Pass  $11  If you are using the Range for 1 day - permits multiple sessions in the one day 
 2  Week Pass   $55   If you are using the Range for 1 week ie up to 7 consecutive days - permits multiple sessions in one day 
 3  Season Pass          $110   If you plan to use the Range across the whole winter season  - ie June long weekend to Oct long weekend 
 4  Family Season Pass *  $220   If you are 2 or more Biathlon Australia members from the same family, you may purchase a family pass


Note:  (1) A Family Range pass allows 2 or more Biathlon Australia members from the same family to shoot for the season. 

           (2) When purchasing your Range Pass you will be asked to upload a copy of your Biathlon Australia membership card. 

Click here to Purchase a Range Pass 

Booking the Range 

The Range may be booked by Members and lane usage is subject to availability and approval including Range Officer requirements as outlined in the Standard Shooting Rules (SSR's) and Range Standing Orders.  

Users of the Range are required to be respectful of the facilities and at the conclusion of their session re-paint the targets and return all equipment to storage.

Groups of users at the Range at the same times are to co-operate with each other to ensure enjoyment and safe shooting by all. 

Click here  to book the Hotham Biathlon Arena 

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