Membership Terms

Please find below the Membership Terms of Biathlon Australia.  


I understand that my membership application is subject to approval by Biathlon Australia If not approved, I understand any membership fees paid will be refunded in full.

If accepted, I/my child agree/s to be bound by and will abide by the Constitution, Rules, Procedures, Policies of Biathlon Australia and the National Integrity Framework as amended, repealed, or replaced by the Directors from time to time. 

I confirm that all the details provided in this membership application are correct and that if any details are subsequently found to be false then Biathlon Australia , in its sole discretion, void this application and refund any membership fees.

I acknowledge and consent to photographs and electronic images taken of me during my undertaking of Biathlon Activities. Images and photographs are owned by Biathlon Australia and may be used for promotional, marketing or other purposes and by third party sponsors or the sport of Biathlon in general.

I also understand that Biathlon is a shooting Sport and should I compete or train at the Hotham Biathlon Arena, I agree to be bound by Biathlon Australia's Range Standing Orders and the instructions of any Biathlon Australia Range or Race Official.

If applicable, I acknowledge that I am using Biathlon Australia as my genuine reason for holding a firearms licence and agree to abide by the requirements of Biathlon Australia as a shooting club under the Victorian Legislation Firearms Act 1996.

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