Biathlon is a firearms related sport and safety and competence with firearms is a very important priority.
Biathlon Australia Partners With National Rifle Association of Australia
Biathlon Australia has partnered with National Rifle Association of Australia (NRAA) to provide its biathletes with access to shooting ranges across Australia. NRAA is a member of Shooting Australia, which is the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) recognised National Sporting Organisation (NSO) for shooting sports in Australia. Shooting Australia is a member of the Australian Olympic Committee and ISSF, the International Shooting Sport Federation.
The partnership with NRAA provides a home shooting club for biathletes to join in each state and become a member of their NRAA state shooting organisation. Being a member of an accredited Firearms Club in each state ensures obtaining and maintaining a firearms licence is managed by an authorised body which provides club membership to biathletes.
The partnership with NRAA enables the provision of laser shooting (where applicable) as well as .22 shooting facilities across all ages.
Click here for more information about NRAA
By partnering with NRAA, biathletes have a State Shooting Association in their state which they join through their state based member club. A Club is designated to join in each State and biathletes can visit other biathlon NRAA affiliated clubs as visitors. The NRAA State Associations are recognised by their State Sport and Recreation Departments which ensures biathlon has recognition in each state.
Interstate Firearms Recognition
As .22 biathlon mostly takes place in NSW, ACT and Victoria, the recognition by one state of another state's firearms licences and minor permits, ensures that biathletes holding firearms licence in one state are able to shoot and compete in another state.
Next Steps
Contact BA’s Executive Officer ( for assistance with obtaining your firearms licence or minors permit in your home state.
Firearms Associations & Clubs
BA’s NRAA partner clubs operate their shooting ranges every week, enabling practice and new licencing to be issued on a regular basis. Many of BA’s members are active members of their firearms clubs and accredited Range Officers and Safety Officers. This ensures biathlon members are up to date with changes in firearms regulations and can have input into discussions occurring within their State Firearms Registry which may impact biathlon.
NSW - NSW Rifle Association/ USI Rifle Club
United Services Institute Rife Club (USI) provides shooting club membership and training opportunities for BA NSW based members. USI is a member club of the New South Wales Rifle Association and through NSWRA and USI, NSW biathletes are able to obtain their firearms licence or minors permit and shoot at the Anzac Range at Malabar on Saturday afternoons, NSW biathletes can also shoot 7 days a week at the Sydney International Shooting Centre (SISC).
These venues offer smallbore .22 shooting facilities with electronic targets available at SISC and metal IBU biathlon targets available at the Anzac Range.
Click here to join NSW Rifle Association as a biathlon member.
Click here to learn more about NSW Rifle Association.

ACT - Canberra Rifle Club
Canberra Rifle Club provides shooting club membership and training opportunities for BA ACT based members. Members of CRC are able to access the biathlon facilities individually and as a group with joint training days often being held with other NRAA biathlon state members.
Click here to join Canberra Rifle Club and click on Contact
Click here to learn more about Canberra Rifle Club
Victoria - Victorian Rifle Association
In Victoria, VRA provides shooting club membership and training opportunities for Victorian based biathletes.
Click here to join Victorian Rifle Association
Click here to learn more about Victorian Rifle Association.
QLD – Queensland Rifle Association
Interested in biathlon and live in QLD? Please contact the Executive Office for more information on how to progress. Please advise if you have a QLD firearms licence in your email.