
Cancellation - ABA Victoria Biathlon Championships 24-25 July 2021

Published Tue 20 Jul 2021

It will come as no surprise that unfortunately ABA must cancel all events scheduled for the Victoria Championships weekend 24-25 July 2021 due to the recent Victorian Government announcement of an extension to Victorian State restrictions in response to the COVID19 outbreak. Effectively they mean that ABA is unable to hold any events.

The future of the Australian Championship weekend 14-15 August is also an unknown. We anticipate we will be able to give more direction when the NSW restrictions slated to end on 30 July become more certain. I would once again suggest holding off race entry until the situation is clearer.

Hopefully we will be able to schedule a replacement event, but the specifics are unknown at the moment and dependant on future developments with regard to State restrictions. Until then keep training as best you can.

Michael Wilkinson (Race Secretary)

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