
IBU Material Distribution Comes to AUS

Published Tue 28 Dec 2021

IBU Material Distribution Comes to AUS

Athletes supported with equipment distribution 

For the first time in many years, equipment Australia receives from the IBU’s annual Material Distribution for countries with a World Cup start, will be coming back to AUS.

As part of its commitment to equity and support for all levels of athletes and members, the ABA Board decided to allocated equipment from IBU distribution firstly to our World Cup athletes, then made available for a small fee to Australian Development Team athletes and then to other ABA member athletes who may be in Europe. For future season's distribution, a policy will be adopted which clearly sets out to members and athletes, the allocation of equipment based on team level, need, and to ensure some equipment is always brought back to AUS to support development programs.     

In total, 4 pairs of skis and bindings, 2 Barnett drink belts and 10 pairs of bindings are being brought back to AUS for use as racing prizes across all age groups (including Masters) at State and National level races in 2022. Bindings will be used for roller-ski purchases being considered by the Coaching Committee to ensure summer equipment is available in a range of locations across AUS for training groups.

Congratulations to the following athletes who were allocated equipment from the 2021-22 IBU Material Distribution:

 National Team 



 Jillian Colebourn

 5000 rounds of ammunition  / Wax box 


 Darcie Morton 

 5000 rounds of ammunition  / Wax box


 Development Team 


 Isabella Moon

 Barnett Drink Bottle 

 10 euros 

 Sam Martin

 Barnett Drink Bottle

 10 euros

 Rhiannon Castle

 Barnett Drink Bottle

 10 euros

 Phoenix Sparke

 180cm One Way poles 

 50 euros 

 Alessandra Sydun-West

  160cm One Way poles 

 50 euros

  General Use in Europe 

 Wax Box 


  2020 Winter Youth Olympian


 Chelsey Johnson

 170cm Leki poles 

 50 euros 

 ABA Member Athlete 


 Chilli Sparke 

 15cm Leki poles 

 50 euros 

 Support in AUS 


 National Championships 
 State Level Championships  
 Masters Events  

  4 sets of Skis and Bindings 
 10 sets of bindings 
 2 Barnet Drink Belts


Previously, equipment received from the IBU which was excess to overseas athletes’ needs had been sold by Team coaches.  For 2021-22 season, the income received from the sale of items will be remitted to the ABA and other items used to support development of athletes in AUS.


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