Dear Biathlon Australia family, 
You are cordially invited to attend an online Stakeholder Forum to generally discuss whether or not Biathlon Australia should develop "shooting standards". And if so, when and how they might be applied.
This stakeholder forum is simply designed to gather input and ideas (for or against) from those members that choose to attend. No decisions will be made or motions put forward or resolved.
Attendance is 100% voluntary.
Date: Thursday, 7 November 2024
Time: 6pm AEDT / 8am CET / 1am MST (sorry)
Where: Entirely Online at the following location -
(Meeting ID: 482 982 198 677, Passcode: sgE5jy)
Simply click on the link and join the meeting from your phone, tablet or computer via the Teams app or a web-browser (we recommend Chrome).
We look forward to seeing you there and hearing your view.
Delivering a better biathlon for all.
David, Sandy, Brett, Murray, Tristan, Mark, Libby & Katerina